3 Ways To Prevent A Root Canal
Root canals are as common as ever. In fact, it is estimated that there are about 60 million root canals performed every year. This is an alarming amount of people who need serious dental treatment. Root canals can be expensive and painful, which is why it is best to avoid them if at all possible. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to help prevent a root canal. Here are some things you need to know about preventing root canals.
1. Pay Attention To Temperature
One of the signs that you have a tooth that is rapidly decaying is feeling overly sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. For instance, if you are eating a hot dish, does one tooth feel extra sensitive? You might not feel pain, but you will notice a sensation on or around the tooth. This kind of sensation is a sign that the tooth is decaying and the root is becoming exposed.
If you are able to detect this kind of tooth decay early on, you might be able to treat the tooth before it becomes a full on root canal. The dentist could put in a crown, or a filling, to protect the root and prevent a root canal.
2. Floss Regularly
Most people are pretty good about brushing their teeth. They make it a habit to brush every day, if not multiple times a day. The problem, however, is that many people do not include flossing. Flossing is one of the best ways to prevent getting a root canal.
A root canal is caused by a part of the tooth becoming so decayed that it exposes the root. The fastest way for this to happen is to get food caught in between the teeth. Brushing cannot always remove the food that is caught in the cracks of the teeth. As the food sits there it eats away at the tooth, until you have damage so bad that only a root canal can fix it.
If you floss daily you will remove any particles of food that would harm your teeth. This is the best way to help your teeth stay healthy.
3. Detect Cavities Early On
It cannot be overstated that seeing your dentist regularly is the best way to prevent root canals. If you can detect the cavity while it is small, you can get a filling so that the tooth can't decay more. The amount of money you spend on a regular dental visit will be far less than what you would spend on an emergency root canal. Thus, going to the dentist twice a year is better for your teeth and your wallet.
By doing these simple things you can avoid getting a root canal. For more tips and information, contact a local clinic, like Hernandez Dental.