Understanding The Dental Implant Process Before You Start
If you've been thinking about a dental implant instead of that partial denture, it's a good time to consider it. Dental implants help you to preserve the condition of your jaw bone and eliminate the instability and shifting that can happen with a removable denture. Before you actually take that leap, though, you should understand what you have ahead of you. Here's a look at what you should know to be better prepared for the process.
Your Initial Assessment
The first step in the process is an initial assessment by the dentist or oral surgeon. He or she will strive to determine if your jaw is in good condition, stable and healthy enough for the implant. At the same time, a mold will be taken to help create the implants. You can expect 3D X-rays during this process, as they are essential for assessing your jaw.
This is followed by an appointment with the dentist to evaluate the x-rays and determine how the implant process proceeds. You'll talk about whether or not you need a bone graft to create a foundation, and your dentist will provide you with a full timeline to help you prepare for how long the process will take.
The bone graft is not necessary for every patient, but is necessary if you have low bone density or have suffered some bone loss in your jaw. If you do need a bone graft, it will lengthen your implant process due to the recovery from the bone graft before the posts can be placed.
The next step is the surgery itself. You'll have to have the existing teeth extracted if they haven't been already. Then, this is followed by any bone grafts that have to be done. If you have bone grafts, you'll have to heal from that surgery before the posts can be implanted. Otherwise, the implant posts will be placed and you may be fitted with a temporary cap for the post until the permanent one is finished.
When the swelling goes down and your jaw heals from implanting the post, you'll meet with the dentist to place the permanent cap. Then, you'll have a set of x-rays done to help your dentist see how the post has healed and what your new jawline looks like.
With the information presented here, you can better understand what the dental implant process will entail. This helps you to approach the procedure with a solid understanding of what's ahead of you. For more information, contact Bradley T Piotrowski DDS MSD LLC or a similar dental professional.