How to Protect Your Teeth

What Should You Do After Realizing You Have a Cracked Tooth?

Panicking after realizing you, your spouse, or your child has just cracked a tooth is normal. Your mind may even start to race with thoughts about how this may have happened. Furthermore, it is also possible for you to crack your tooth without even realizing it, as not all cracks are visible to the naked eye. The question is—how do you know you have a cracked tooth, and when you do know, what happens next?

How to Know You Have a Cracked Tooth

The most common indicator of a cracked tooth is pain. While it may vary as to when or how an individual may experience the pain, the pain is often caused by pressure from chewing, hot or cold food items touching the exposed area, or very sweet and or sticky items coming in contact with an affected area. The pain can also be brought on simply from breathing in and out through the mouth.

The reason cracked teeth cause so much pain is because when the integrity of the outer layer of a tooth is compromised, it leaves the sensitive root nerve inside exposed. This root is very sensitive to any and all contact. This includes air passing through the crack and irritating the exposed root when you breathe. Cracks can be created when you chew hard candies or other foods, grind your teeth, or have loose fillings.

How to Treat a Cracked Tooth

When someone thinks they have a cracked tooth, the first thing the person needs to do is make an appointment with a dentist, such as one from Milner Dentistry. With proper inspection and x-rays, the dentist will be able to confirm whether or not the individual in fact has a cracked tooth. The dentist will be able to determine the extent of the crack and create a proper plan of action regarding the treatment.

Typical treatment for a cracked tooth can range from a filling or a root canal to having the tooth removed completely depending on the severity of the crack. If the crack is discovered soon after it happened, fillings can usually effectively treat the issue. The more damage that the root of the tooth endures, the more extensive the treatment that it will require.

A cracked tooth is a pretty common dental problem, especially in adults. It is not uncommon for someone to have a small crack that comes with little to no pain. As long as you go to the dentist regularly and take care of your teeth, cracks can be spotted and treated before they get bad enough to cause a major problem.
