How to Protect Your Teeth

Whitening, Veneers Or Bonding: Which Is Right For You?


If you have stains or other imperfections on your teeth, then you may be thinking of visiting a cosmetic dentist to improve your smile. Some of the choices available that can brighten, whiten or improve your smile are veneers, bonding and whitening. However, each has its own advantages and uses depending on your particular problem. Here is more information about these three procedures, what they're usually used for and what kinds of problems they solve.


Bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-colored filling is applied directly on the outside of the teeth. It is reshaped to create a natural-looking appearance. Bonding is generally less expensive than veneers and can last for years with proper care.

Its purpose

Bonding can not only whiten the teeth, it can fill cracks, chips and other imperfections. It is often used to protect the tooth as well as improve its appearance and whiteness.

Who it works best for

Bonding works best for people who have chipped or cracked teeth or need special protection for other dental problems. It is especially useful for the front teeth where a silver filling would be undesirable.


Whitening is a procedure to make the teeth look whiter. There are several ways this can be achieved including chemical, laser and whitening trays.

Its purpose

The whitening procedures can vary from surface whitening to deep whitening that actually gets into the structure of the tooth to remove stubborn stains.

Who it works best for

This procedure works best for those who have normal teeth staining from food and drink and have otherwise healthy teeth.


Veneers are strips of porcelain that is applied directly to the front of the tooth. They are considered very durable with a long lifespan. However, they are the most expensive of the three procedures.

Its purpose

Like bonding, veneers cover up any tooth imperfections and improves the smile. Since they are made of porcelain, they are very natural-looking. Veneers work well to cover up crooked or broken teeth.

Who it works best for

Veneers work best for people who have severe staining issues or imperfections. If you drink a lot of coffee, wine, tea or you smoke, then veneers would be a better option than bonding which tends to absorb these materials.

You will get the best results when you choose a procedure that is best suited to your particular problem. If you have a cosmetic dentistry problem, and you want to improve your smile, then talk to a cosmetic dentist about which procedure works best for you and your budget. That way you will get the most satisfaction from the results. To learn more about dental restorations, visit Crest Hill Family Dental.   
