Make Sure You're Satisfied with Your Veneers with These Tips
You only get one set of adult teeth. Unfortunately, teeth can become damaged by any number of things. An accident can leave you with chipped or cracked teeth, and stains can also accumulate over time. If your front teeth don't look the way you want them to, veneers can help you change that.
Veneers are a thin covering that your dentist can bond to the surface of your teeth. They can totally transform the look of your smile. If you're ready to get veneers, here are four tips that can ensure you're satisfied with the end result:
1. Select a realistic shade of white.
Naturally, you want your veneers to look white and beautiful. However, keep in mind that there's such a thing as too white. If you select a veneer color that's too bright, it will look unnatural. In order to achieve a natural, healthy look, err on the conservative side of color selection. According to New Beauty, you can use the whites of your eyes as a guideline. Never select a veneer shade that is whiter than your sclera.
2. Choose the best material you can afford.
Veneers can be made out of a few different materials. They can be made out of composite resin, which is the same tooth-colored substance that dental fillings are made from. This is a more inexpensive option, but the downside is that this material is less durable. If possible, it's best to choose porcelain veneers. Porcelain is very strong, and it will last longer than other types of veneers. It also closely mimics the look of natural teeth.
3. Take care of your veneers.
Your dentist has the job of fitting and bonding your veneers to your teeth. Once that's finished, the ball is in your court. In order to keep your veneers looking their best, you have to take proper care of them. Brush your veneers just like you'd brush your normal teeth and avoid eating anything hard that might crack the porcelain.
4. Plan to have your veneers replaced eventually.
Porcelain veneers can last a long time, as long as 15 years, but they will still need to be replaced eventually. Just like your natural teeth, veneers wear down over time. Since part of your tooth's enamel is removed in order to accommodate veneers, you will have to have new veneers replaced when your old ones are removed. It's important to understand that veneers are a lifetime commitment.