How to Protect Your Teeth

Quick And Easy Understanding Of IV Sedated Treatment For Dental Anxiety And Other Issues

Some individuals have extreme dental anxiety. Sometimes there is not a clear understanding of why they are fearful, but their fear might cause them to avoid going to a dentist as recommended. IV sedated dental treatment is an option for individuals who have issues with dental anxiety. It may also be used for young children who have trouble sitting still for procedures. Individuals who have cognitive disabilities can also benefit from sedated treatments. Some individuals have several oral issues and may have lengthy appointments. Dentists may recommend sedation to ensure comfort. These treatments are administered intravenously, and patients are monitored closely throughout these procedures. The following points will provide more insight into these innovative treatments.

Types of IV Sedation

There are three types of IV sedation. They are referred to as minimal, moderate, or deep sedation. Dentists assess each individual to determine the level of sedation needed. Minimal sedation means that individuals will be aware of their surroundings during the procedure but be relieved of their anxiety. Moderate sedation means that individuals will experience a sleeplike state. It's almost like being half awake. Individuals may recall bits of information about the procedure or not remember it at all. Deep sedation means that the individual will likely fall asleep but not to the point of being passed out. It is not the same state of unconsciousness that general anesthesia produces. General anesthesia produces sedation that makes an individual unconscious.

Additional Sedation

Dentists want to ensure that the sedation is as effective as possible. Local anesthesia is used with IV sedated dental treatment. A local anesthetic is applied or injected into the mouth to ensure that it is numb. This has to be done because individuals who receive IV sedated dental treatment are not fully asleep. They may be able to feel pressure or pain if a local anesthetic is not administered. Sometimes oral and inhaled sedatives are administered with the intravenous sedative. This determination is made on a case-by-case basis.

Memory Concerns

Some individuals will remember their procedure. However, they won't have frightening feelings because of the effects of the sedation. Recalling the procedure or portions of it will depend on the level of sedation. Individuals who receive moderate sedation may or may not be able to recollect anything. Deeply sedated individuals will likely not remember anything due to being in a semi-unconscious state of mind.

No one should have to put their oral health at risk due to feelings that they cannot control. A dentist can be used as a resource to understand IV sedated dental treatment procedures and what to expect. 
