How to Protect Your Teeth

What Additional Services Does A Pediatric Dentist Offer?

Also known as a pedodontist, a pediatric dentist is a specialist children's dentist who focuses on the oral health care needs of youngsters, from infancy through adolescence. These kids' dentists undergo additional training beyond general dentistry. As such, a pediatric dentist will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to address the unique dental concerns that arise during a child's oral development. Offering a comprehensive range of pediatric services means being able to cater to the unique needs of children and adolescents. Read on to find out more about kids' dental services and how they go beyond adult dental practices.

Preventive Care

Perhaps foremost among the specialized pediatric dental services offered today is preventive dental care. A pediatric dentist will be trained to educate children and parents about good oral hygiene habits. This will include offering guidance on brushing and flossing techniques, for example, as well as the importance of a balanced diet for tooth care. Regular check-ups are also a critical part of the sort of preventive care children's dentists offer, enabling the early detection and intervention of dental problems among younger patients. During these visits, procedures such as fluoride treatments will typically be offered as well as the application of preventive dental sealants, which are sometimes deployed to protect children's teeth against cavities and decay.

Managing Growth

Another important aspect of a pediatric dentist's role is the management of the growth and healthy development of teeth. Pediatric dental services usually include monitoring the child's dental development. This will also mean intervening, if necessary, to guide the proper alignment and spacing of permanent teeth. Orthodontic consultations may also be part of the services offered by a pediatric dentist.

Dental Restoration

Kids' dental services also include various restorative dental treatments. When cavities or dental injuries occur, a pediatric dentist will be qualified to perform restorative procedures that range from simple fillings to more complex treatments like pulp therapy, including the treatment of the tooth nerve. In older children, fitting crowns may also be one of the pediatric dental services on offer.

Managing Anxiety

One distinguishing service offered by kids dentists is the management of dental fear, something that is quite common among children. Children's dentists are trained in behavior management techniques to make dental visits a less daunting experience for young patients. In some cases, sedation may be one of the kids dental services provided to children who are extremely anxious, but this is not common Finally, a pediatric dentist should be trained to care for children with additional health care need whether or not they also suffer from dental anxiety.

Reach out to a pediatric dentist near you to learn more.
