Five Quick Tips For Fresh Breath

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you've had to get fresh breath quick? It's not always easy, especially if there is no bathroom around or you don't have a toothbrush on you. Here are five quick tips to help you recover from that:  Eat an Apple: If you can get your hands on an apple, this is a great way to freshen up your smile. This is because the crunchy and hardness of an apple help to get rid of any food that might be stuck in your teeth that is causing you to have bad breath. [Read More]

Have Dry Mouth? Tips For Plaque Buildup Prevention Around Dental Implants

Your dental implant may be a fake tooth, but it is just as important to keep it clean and free of plaque around the gums. Unfortunately, plaque easily affects people with dry mouth, which can happen more frequently as you age and the need for dental implants arises. This is because dry mouth will make it hard for saliva to eliminate the bacteria found in your mouth, and the plaque will collect in the gums more easily because of this. [Read More]

What To Do If You Break A Tooth Filling

If you have broken fillings, you may be wondering what you should do next. Here are some steps that will help you fix your fillings ASAP, lessen any pain, and prevent future incidents. Call Your Dentist  There are many dentists who accept emergency patients at odd hours, so you may be able to get in to see your dentist sooner rather than later. However, you need to call the office ahead of time--or have someone call for you--so that the dentist understands the situation and can plan accordingly before you arrive. [Read More]

What To Expect When You Have A Tooth Extracted

When you have a decayed or broken tooth, your dentist usually prefers to save it rather than pull the tooth. In some cases though, it's necessary to pull a tooth. This may happen if the tooth isn't positioned properly and it pushes against other teeth. There may even be times when you have a toothache and can't afford a root canal and crown so you opt to have the tooth pulled. [Read More]